“I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am with the results, it’s a good story. These numbers are for real. I can attest to that because the RLG coaches and I lived through every painful minute and helped make the results possible.”

Maintenance and Engineering Station Manager
Project Info

One metric that is very important to aircraft line maintenance crews is “aircraft out of service at 0700 hours.” This airline engaged with RLG at one of their North American bases to improve this metric, while reducing flight delays and overtime. They aimed to engage their workforce while improving communication and accountability.

Project Highlights

  • Achieved a 60% reduction in turn time for 737 engine changes and a 28% reduction in monthly flight delays
  • Improved worker engagement through leadership development, improved crew talks and front line business reviews
  • Reduced overtime by $2 million versus the prior year by improved work processes, shift-to-shift consistency and crew turnovers
  • Implemented RLG’s Operating Rhythm, making performance visible and helping create a one team culture across the workforce
  • $30 million impact at this airport base — following this success, the client deployed RLG teams at other airport bases for similar projects